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IGERT-MNM as a Professional Environment

Education Achievements

IGERT-MNM as a Professional Environment

As part of their IGERT-MNM activities, Trainees and Associates work in committees to support the project in four strategic aspects: 1) Weekly online posting of MINUTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS is essential to provide a record of activities, and a reminder of assignments. 2) Organization of EVENTS, such as retreats and external advisory committee meetings requires careful planning of activities, invitation of speakers, travel preparations, etc. 3) Maintaining a relevant WEBSITE means consulting stakeholders constantly, and group reflection about how it can best serve the project inside and outside its boundaries. 4) Finally, intentional EVALUATION must be guided by best practices, and sustained activity. As trainees and associates engage in management and organizational activities beyond the scope of their regular academic assignments, they have the opportunity to develop valuable professional skills in an authentic learning environment.