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Trainee coauthors 'Experimental Economics' paper

Trainee Achievements

Trainee coauthors 'Experimental Economics' paper

IGERT fellow, John Lin, coauthored a paper, "Scheduling with package auctions," which was published in Experimental Economics (Takeuchi, Lin, Chen and Finholt 2010)

In this paper, the authors present laboratory experiments designed to compare different allocation mechanisms for access to joint research facilities. They study the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction, a simultaneous ascending auction (the Resource Allocation Design, RAD), and a mechanism based on submitted rankings (Knapsack). Experimental results show that RAD and VCG are both more efficient than Knapsack, while Knapsack achieves a more equal distribution of resources than RAD or VCG. The findings highlight the need for systematic exploration of allocation mechanisms within collaboratories.