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First class of trainees complete work

Trainee Achievements

First class of trainees complete work

Four MCS IGERT Trainees completed their required IGERT course work during the reporting year, making our first class of Trainees. The four come from Physics & Astronomy, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Of the four, three have completed their Graduate Board Oral Examination (GBO), a rigorous oral exam overseen by five JHU faculty members from multiple departments, which marks the formal beginning of the Ph.D. candidacy The other Trainee plans to take his GBO this summer. One of the students received a very prestigious ARCS scholarship to support his final years of studies. This group has been very successful in their research pursuits, with multiple journal articles currently in preparation, 7 conference presentations (both domestic and international), and 6 conference publications. They continue to be involved with the MCS IGERT through the Colloquium and informal lunch gatherings.