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Trainee founds student club at UCI



IGERT: Life Chip


University of California at Irvine
(Irvine, CA)

Trainee Achievements

Trainee founds student club at UCI

NSF funded IGERT-LifeChips fellow, Meghan Cozzens, was one of the founding members of the student club Engineering World Health at UCI. This club is connected with the national Engineering World Health (EWH) organization started at Duke University. Meghan was inspired to start the club after she heard about a graduate student who took a trip to Tanzania to fix medical equipment. Through IGERT LifeChips funding, Meghan has had the opportunity to expand her educational knowledge and training beyond her chemical and biomedical engineering background into other areas including statistics, molecular biology, and public health. Meghan has also volunteered at the UCI Medical Center to further her understanding of the interaction between engineering and medicine. Meghan and her colleague, NSF funded IGERT-LifeChips fellow Melinda Simon, also mentor six undergraduate students in their Engineering World Health senior design projects. Additional details will be provided in the highlights section.