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Lifechips program offers two courses at UCI



IGERT: Life Chip


University of California at Irvine
(Irvine, CA)

Research Achievements

Lifechips program offers two courses at UCI

The IGERT-Lifechips program continues to offer the two programmatic courses at UCI where not only the Lifechips fellows enroll but also other UCI graduate students. The first course, Technology for Life, offered in Winter 2009 will show the students the fundamentals of chip fabrication technology in the context of required biocompatibility and bio-system engineering in the micro/nano domain for life science. The second course, Technology of Life, offered in Spring 2010 will focus on the complexities of biological problems and the solutions of living systems, illustrating the interplay between the different components of life, such as DNA, RNA, protein macromolecular complexes, signaling networks, cells, organs, and organ systems. Through these courses, Lifechips fellows continue to experience and learn about different multi-disciplinary research projects. More details regarding this achievement will be discussed as a highlight.