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Matching Tag: IGERT

Displaying all 8 documents
Posted Title Category Authors Type Privacy
02/24/2014 Essential Competencies for Interdisciplinary Graduate Training in IGERT Interdisciplinary Ed, NSF Documents Beth C. Gamse, Lorelle L. Espinosa, Radha Roy Report, IGERT program document public
09/24/2012 Training for the Next Generation of Coastal Management Practitioners Articles of Interest, IGERT Curricula, Interdisciplinary Ed, Student/Faculty Work Nathan Vinhateiro, Karen A. Sullivan, and Catherine G. McNally article, student research, curricula public
06/26/2012 Bridging Disciplinary Divides: Developing an Interdisciplinary STEM Workforce Interdisciplinary Ed, NSF Documents Abt Associates Inc., Jennifer Carney, and Kristen Neishi Report, IGERT program document public
06/22/2012 Evaluation of the National Science Foundation’s Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT): Follow-up Study of IGERT Graduates Interdisciplinary Ed, NSF Documents Abt associates, Jennifer Carney, Alina Martinez, John Dreier Kristen Neishi Amanda Parsad Report, IGERT program document public
11/07/2010 Definitions of interdisciplinary research: Toward graduate-level interdisciplinary learning outcomes Articles of Interest, Interdisciplinary Ed, Student/Faculty Work Maura Borrego, Lynita Newswander article public
06/07/2009 Impact of Transformative Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education on Academic Institutions Interdisciplinary Ed, NSF Documents Carol Van Hartesveldt, Judith Giordan, many IGERT faculty and administrators from IGERT institutions Report, book, workshop public
05/06/2009 Toward an Integrative Urban Ecology: Voices from the IGERTs Student/Faculty Work Sara E. Grineski article public
05/06/2009 Evaluation of the Initial Impacts of the NSF's IGERT Program Final Report NSF Documents Abt Associates Inc. IGERT program document public